Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Towns

Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Town

This is Nintendo Dual Screen (NDS) Harvest Moon series where you can decide whether playing as boy or girl, and you can also decide which village to live in. There are two villages with different environment and character. Bluebell which will specialize you in raising animals is western-like village (the houses look like European building) and Konohana which will specialize you in planting crops is Eastern-like village (the houses look like Japanese or Chinese building). When you are hanging around the village, the background music will adjust and change depend on the village you are in.

The characters in the game are totally new as you won’t find any characters from the previous series. You will also get more new gathering items, crops, and animals (including pets that you can get more than one). You can also move to other village sometimes if you want. I think this is the most realistic Harvest Moon series ever.

Interested to play it?

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