Tutorial: Photos with Unique Bokeh Shapes


Stuffs you need:
  1. A lens with high aperture. You can use lens with f/2.8 or f/1.8 as you can get from fix lens. The higher aperture (smaller F number) will make better bokeh effect
  2. Black paper
  3. Black duct tape
  4. Scissor
How to make it:
  1. Draw circles on the black paper, if you use 50mm f/1.8 fix lens, you must draw circles around 52mm or a little bit more. Draw the shapes that you want to get inside the circles. To make it easier, you can also use any shape templates from CorelDraw and print it on your black paper. Make sure to draw small shapes to make better bokeh effects.
  2. Cut off the shapes that you have drew or printed on your black paper so there will be holes with shapes.
  3. Now when you have the circle papers ready, cut the rest of black paper with a rectangular shape that will be used around the lens. Adjust the size as your lens’ size.
  4. Use duct tape to stick the two papers (the circular one as filter paper and the rectangular one as mounting paper to lens).
  5. Mount the bokeh filter paper to your lens and start to take photos with unique bokeh shapes as you want.
Remember to use high aperture to make better bokeh shape and effect (f/1.8 – f/2).
Combining people portrait or some objects and bokeh effect will make great photographs.
Here are some pretty nice and unique bokeh photos using this trick (photos by whatisname on flicker):


Find more photos with unique bokeh here http://belfot.com/15-foto-bokeh-bentuk-menarik


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