The Differences of Rabbit and Hare

Rabbits had been domesticated by people all over the world from the wild and I'm surely believe that everybody knows these cute little animal and some of you maybe keep them as pet at house or apartment.

 My Fuzzy Lop rabbit

The pictures above show the physical appearance of rabbit. You are very familiar with that kind of animal, right? :D Now let's talk about hare. Do you have any idea what hare is? (don't try to google it firstly! :p)
Well, hare is a like a cousin of a rabbit and people usually call it "Jackrabbit" (I think it's because hares look like kangaroo in the head). Both of these animals are different species, although they almost look similar but they are totally different. Hare is one specific genus (Lepus) in the rabbit Family (Leporidae). Thus all hares are rabbits but not all rabbits are hares. The difference mainly pertains to their physique, life and food habits. Hares are bigger than rabbits, they have longer ears and are faster than rabbits.

Other significant difference between those Leporidae is that hares are born with fur coats and opened eyes while rabbits are born hairless and closed eyes. Newborn hares are called "Leverets" while newborn rabbits are called "Kittens". In wild, hares are living above the ground and build their own nest in the bushes unlike wild rabbits (undomesticated ones) which are living in the burrows under the ground.

 newborn hare (leveret)

a hare in the wild

 newborn rabbit (kitten)
 a rabbit in the wild (undomesticated)

(The pictures above except the first one are taken from some websites, I don't own them)


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