Short Movies About Love, Signs, and Differences

Love ignores all the differences between those who feel it even in distance and silence. You can see it in these two romantic short movies; the first one entitled SIGNS and the second one entitled QUIET SIGNS OF LOVE. I believe that the stories are even better than Twilight's. Happy watching Folks! :D


Speechless film about a lonely boy who start communicating with a cute girl in next building using written signs and eventually they met each other. Love doesn’t always talk, sometimes might be expressed even from a piece of paper. In a world of social networking and cellphone, signs are still powerful as long as they mean a lot.

Director: Patrick Hughes
Writers: Patrick Hughes and Karl Fleet
Stars: Nick Russell and Kestie Morassi



Short film about two Australian students who begin their relationship when the boy starts to approach the girl just to finds out that she is deaf. The boy falls in love with her. He tries to understand sign language and helps the girl solving her problem in the class. Problems come when both of them try to understand each world and they get misunderstand and frustrated. The boy realize that he did mistakes and by the help of National Relay Service, a phone service that connects hearing people and deaves, they can finally reunite and the film ends with their joy moment.

Director: John Nikolakopoulos
Writer: John Nikolakopoulos
Stars: Matthew Greenlaw, Bethany Robinson

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