Making an Independent Short Movie

Hey! It's been almost a month since I posted my previous post on this blog. I got to confess that I'm a bit busy right now with some college stuffs and the final semester test that really stress me out. :D

Well, last week, I finally finished making a short movie with my classmates. It took about 3 weeks from the preparation, shooting, editing, and finishing process. The movie-making truly brought us (especially me :p) a complete experience including funny things, laughs, tiring days, annoying days (hot days that turned to rain in sudden), having lack of sleep times, and so on. It really forced us to work hardly and also made us realize that becoming a person who is related to cinematography (actor, actress, director, editor, and other crews) is not as easy as we thought before.
Our hard work is eventually paid by the appreciations from my Drama class lecturer and also from my friends who said that our short movie is the best one among the other short movies in the aspect of story, the way of taking angles of each scene, audio-technical, music, and post-editing.
I must say that this is because of good teamwork and efforts to make a good result as we expected and we finally did it.